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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the GraniteStack FAQ page! Here, you'll find quick answers to the most common questions about our platform. Whether you're curious about features, pricing, or support, this page has everything you need to understand how GraniteStack helps you build, launch, and scale your software with ease.

  • What is an IO used for pricing?
    An "IO" in GraniteStack stands for "Input Output" and represents an API call—essentially, the communication between different parts of your platform or with external services. Every time your platform sends a request or receives data through an API, it counts as an IO. These IOs are crucial for integrating with other systems, automating tasks, and ensuring your platform functions seamlessly. In terms of pricing, GraniteStack’s model is designed to scale with your usage, meaning you’re billed based on the number of IOs your platform utilizes. This approach offers flexibility, allowing you to manage costs effectively while ensuring your platform's performance and integration capabilities can grow alongside your business.
  • Who owns the technology?
    When you build on GraniteStack, you retain complete ownership of all the technology you create. GraniteStack provides the robust infrastructure, powerful tools, and expert support necessary to help you develop, launch, and scale your software, but the intellectual property remains entirely in your hands. This includes any custom features, integrations, designs, and unique business logic that you implement on the platform. We believe in empowering entrepreneurs and businesses, which is why we ensure that all the assets and code you develop are fully owned by you. Whether you're creating a proprietary app, integrating specialized APIs, or developing unique workflows, you maintain control and rights over your technology. This ownership gives you the flexibility to adapt, license, or sell your technology as your business grows, without worrying about losing control over your innovations. In the unfortunate event that you choose to leave GraniteStack, there is no vendor lock-in. For a fee, we’ll ensure a seamless transition so you can take all your technology with you. GraniteStack simply provides the platform to bring your vision to life, while you remain the sole proprietor of everything you create.
  • How is security and compliance handled in GraniteStack?
    Security and compliance are fundamental aspects of the GraniteStack platform. We employ industry-leading security practices, including robust encryption, secure data storage, and regular security audits, to ensure that your data is protected and your software remains secure. Additionally, GraniteStack is designed to meet global standards and regulations, such as GDPR and other industry-specific requirements, helping you stay compliant. However, while GraniteStack provides a secure foundation, it's crucial that users configure their platforms correctly to maintain this level of security. As a user, you have the flexibility to manage your platform’s security settings, including access controls, data handling procedures, and API configurations. It's important to follow best practices and avoid configurations that could introduce vulnerabilities or compromise compliance. GraniteStack offers guidance and support to help you implement secure and compliant configurations, but ultimately, maintaining a secure environment is a shared responsibility. By taking care to properly configure your platform, you can ensure that GraniteStack's security measures work effectively to protect your operations.
  • Why is wireframing the first step in building my platform?
    Wireframing is the first step in building your platform because it allows you to visualize and plan the structure, layout, and user experience before diving into development. This crucial step helps you map out the functionality of your platform, ensuring that every feature, page, and interaction is thoughtfully designed to meet your business goals and user needs. By creating a wireframe, you can: Clarify Your Vision: Wireframing helps you translate your ideas into a tangible blueprint, making it easier to communicate your vision to stakeholders, designers, and developers. Identify Potential Issues Early: It allows you to spot and resolve potential usability or navigation issues before they become costly to fix during the development phase. Save Time and Resources: A well-planned wireframe can streamline the development process by providing a clear roadmap, reducing the need for revisions and changes later on. Ensure a User-Centric Design: Wireframing focuses on the user experience, ensuring that your platform is intuitive, user-friendly, and aligned with your target audience’s needs. Here are a few wireframe examples: Starting with a wireframe sets the foundation for a successful platform, helping you build with confidence and efficiency while minimizing risks and rework.
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